Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I got into SAB!

I tried out for a summer intensive called School Of American Ballet. The audition was taught by one of my favorite ballerinas Darci kistler. I am very excited on the oppratunity on going. SAB is a ballet school that is taught by Ballerinas and ballet dancers from the New York City Ballet aka (NYCB). NYCB is a ballet copany that Balanchine made. Balanchine made new coreography that is more modern. In my oppinioun I love his style of dance. Thats why Iam very excited about getting into SAB.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Annoying Computer Baby

My sister had to take care of this plastic computer baby for a school project. The baby was the most annoying baby ever.It drank its bottle for two hours, screamed if you didn't hold its head right, cries in the middle of the night for hours, and had a sensor, so if you went to far from it it will cry. It was just like a real baby, but worse. I didn't evan get any wrest for ballet  class in the morning. I hope I get sleep tonight because I have a Bolshoi Ballet Summer Program audition tomorrow.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bolshoi Ballerinas come to Orange County

Bolshoi Ballerinas come  all the way from Moscow Russia to Orange County to guest star in American Ballet Theaters production of Reflection.The production of Reflection is were ballerinas from Bolshoi and the American Ballet Theater meet together to learn the choreography from Americans Ballet Theaters Choreographers for the Reflection show.Wow! that sentence was long.All the ballerinas in the Production are principles of there company. One of the ballerinas thats in the production is Natalia Osipova  witch is one of my favorite ballerinas. She's one of the ballerinas from the Bolshoi Ballet in Russia. I am very excited about this production, I will tell you how it goes. I hope you enjoyed this post. If you want to learn more about this production google  Reflection Boloshoi Ballerinas. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Black Swan Official Dance Scene with Natalie Portman

Ballet is getting popular

  Not a lot movies had ballet in them until now.  Natalia Portman stars in the new movie Black Swan witch is not for young dancers. It  has some narly stuff in it. I heard that it was super scary from my older sister. Another new movie that came out is Mao's Last Dancer witch is not as popular as Black Swan but should be because it is  a really interesting story about a Chinese ballet dancer who fled communist China. I have not actually seen this movie, but I plan  on watching it tomorrow.  

Hello welcome to my blog!

My favorite ballerina Svetlana Zakahrova is such a beautiful and graceful ballerina. I found her while I was looking up ballerinas from the Bolshoi Ballet on you tube. I have never seen such beautiful dancer like her. She has beauty, strength, and emotion, everything a ballerina needs.