Friday, January 14, 2011

Bolshoi Ballerinas come to Orange County

Bolshoi Ballerinas come  all the way from Moscow Russia to Orange County to guest star in American Ballet Theaters production of Reflection.The production of Reflection is were ballerinas from Bolshoi and the American Ballet Theater meet together to learn the choreography from Americans Ballet Theaters Choreographers for the Reflection show.Wow! that sentence was long.All the ballerinas in the Production are principles of there company. One of the ballerinas thats in the production is Natalia Osipova  witch is one of my favorite ballerinas. She's one of the ballerinas from the Bolshoi Ballet in Russia. I am very excited about this production, I will tell you how it goes. I hope you enjoyed this post. If you want to learn more about this production google  Reflection Boloshoi Ballerinas. :)

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